In the bustling environment of a warehouse, every second counts. Efficiency and productivity are paramount, and any disruption can lead to significant financial losses. A recent article by MMH referring to a study by StayLinked, titled ‘Dropped Sessions – The Hidden Productivity Killer,’ has highlighted a critical issue affecting many warehouses: dropped Wi-Fi sessions. According to the study, over 30% of workers experience a dropped session at least once per hour, costing an average of $29.23 per worker, per day in lost productivity. For a warehouse with 50 workers, this equates to over $400,000 annually.

In large picking operations, companies often deploy extensive equipment to boost Wi-Fi signals to pickers. These signal enhancers incur significant upfront costs and continuous ongoing expenses, as they require power and regular maintenance. Despite these efforts, signal loss remains a frequent problem. When Wi-Fi signals drop, RF equipment typically enters a state of “clocking” (the old spinning hourglass or circle for loading nowadays). This disruption forces users to log back in, causing significant downtime. The cumulative effect of these interruptions can be quite substantial, leading to lost productivity and increased operational costs. As highlighted in the StayLinked study, resolving these connectivity issues requires both direct costs and creates indirect impacts on workflow efficiency.

In light of these findings, ABCO Systems is proud that our Batch Picking Carts to introduce have a game-changing feature: independence from constant Wi-Fi access. Unlike traditional RF equipment that requires a continuous Wi-Fi signal, our Batch Picking Carts are designed to download the batches of orders to a tablet attached on the cart. This innovation ensures that picking operations can continue seamlessly, even in areas with weak or no Wi-Fi signal.

How Our Batch Picking Carts Work

When workers begin their picking tasks, the Batch Picking Carts download all necessary data locally to the tablet attached to the cart. Instead of relying on Wi-Fi to direct picking operations, our technology utilizes infrared communication to interact with the light modules that guide the picking process. This approach virtually eliminates the problem of low Wi-Fi connectivity altogether. Even if the Wi-Fi signal drops, the cart can continue to operate without interruption because all the required data is stored locally. Once the cart is back within a Wi-Fi zone, it automatically uploads the completed tasks, ensuring that all data is synchronized with the Warehouse Management System (WMS). This process eliminates the frustrating and costly downtime associated with lost Wi-Fi signals.

The Benefits of Wi-Fi Independent Picking

Continuous Productivity: By removing the dependency on a constant Wi-Fi signal, our Batch Picking Carts prevent the delays caused by dropped sessions. Workers can keep picking without interruptions, maintaining high levels of productivity throughout their shifts.

Cost Savings: As highlighted in the StayLinked study, dropped sessions can cost warehouses thousands of dollars each year. Our solution minimizes these losses by ensuring that work can continue uninterrupted, regardless of Wi-Fi connectivity.

Enhanced Efficiency: Without the need to reconnect or re-login after a dropped session, workers save valuable time. This streamlined process not only boosts efficiency but also reduces the frustration and stress associated with connectivity issues.

Improved Picking Experience: The use of infrared communication and local data storage vastly improves the picking experience for workers. They no longer have to log in countless times or move around to catch a better signal, leading to higher worker happiness and satisfaction. This smoother workflow contributes to a more pleasant and productive working environment.

A Real-World Solution to a Common Problem

The StayLinked study underscores the widespread nature of dropped sessions and their impact on warehouse operations. In most warehouses, dropped sessions are considered an unavoidable part of the job. However, with our Batch Picking Carts, this no longer has to be the case. Our technology offers a practical solution to a pervasive problem, allowing warehouses to operate more smoothly and efficiently. To learn more about our Batch Picking Carts and how they can enhance your warehouse operations, watch the short video explainer featuring our CEO. See for yourself how this innovative solution can revolutionize your picking processes and significantly improve your bottom line.


Read the full StayLinked study HERE.

At ABCO Systems, we are committed to providing cutting-edge solutions that address real-world challenges in the logistics and supply chain industry. Our Batch Picking Carts are just one example of how we are driving innovation to help our customers achieve greater efficiency and profitability.

If you’re interested in learning more about our Batch Picking Cart solution and how it can benefit your warehouse operations, we invite you to schedule a meeting with an ABCO expert. Please reach out to us by filling your information in our CONTACT FORM and an ABCO representative will get in touch with you shortly to discuss your needs and arrange a live demo. Don’t let dropped Wi-Fi signals hinder your productivity—discover the difference our Batch Picking Carts can make today.