Solutions by Function

Automated Sortation Systems

ImPROVE YOUR SPeeD, Efficiency and Accuracy while reducing your costs with our automated sortation systems 
Automated Sortation System<br />
sortation automation

Understanding Automated Sortation:

Automated sortation refers to the use of advanced technologies and systems to categorize, sort, and sequence products within a warehouse or distribution center. These systems are designed to streamline order fulfillment, reduce manual labor, and enhance overall operational efficiency. Key components of sortation automation include:

  1. Conveyor Systems: Automated conveyor systems are the backbone of sortation automation, facilitating the seamless movement of products within the warehouse.
  2. Sortation Equipment: These machines employ various mechanisms such as diverters, pushers, tilt trays, and chutes to sort products based on predetermined criteria like destination, size, or SKU.
  3. Put Wall Solutions: Manual sortation by manual placement at the direction of light technologies to sort items quickly and accurately at a low cost. This type of sortation is easily deployed and easily scaled to accommodate growth within an operation.
  4. Software Integration: Warehouse management software and control systems orchestrate the entire sortation process, coordinating product movement and providing real-time data.

Types of automated Sortation Solutions:


Automated sortation solutions come in various types, each tailored to meet specific sorting needs and challenges:

  1. Cross-Belt Sorters: Cross-belt sorters use a series of belts equipped with diverters to move and sort items. They are highly versatile and suitable for handling a wide range of products, making them ideal for e-commerce and retail applications.
  2. Sliding Shoe Sorters: Sliding shoe sorters employ sliding shoes to divert products onto designated chutes or lanes. They are known for their gentle handling of fragile items, making them suitable for industries like pharmaceuticals and electronics.
  3. Pop-Up Wheel Sorters: Pop-up wheel sorters use spinning wheels to redirect items. They are well-suited for handling small and irregularly shaped products, making them a favorite in the apparel and fashion industries.
  4. Tilt Tray Sorters: Tilt tray sorters utilize trays that tilt to guide items into designated bins or chutes. They are efficient at handling items of varying sizes and shapes, commonly found in postal and package sorting centers.
  5. Bombay Sorters: Bombay or Flat sorters are used for high-speed automated sortation of small, lightweight items. Sorted items are either sorted to chutes or directly into shipping containers.

The adoption of automated sortation offers numerous advantages that are transforming warehouse operations:

  1. Enhanced Efficiency: Automated sortation dramatically reduces processing times, leading to faster throughput and shorter order fulfillment times.
  2. Cost Savings: Automated systems optimize labor utilization, reduce errors, minimize storage costs, and result in significant cost savings.
  3. Improved Accuracy: Automation minimizes human errors, ensuring that products are accurately sorted and sequenced, leading to higher order accuracy and customer satisfaction.
  4. Space Optimization: Automated sortation systems help warehouses make the most of available space by efficiently organizing products for storage and shipment.
  5. Scalability: Automated sortation solutions are scalable, allowing businesses to adapt to changing order volumes without disruptions.

Applications of automated sortation:


Automated sortation finds applications across various sectors and use cases:

  1. E-commerce: Online retailers rely on sortation automation to efficiently sort and sequence products for order fulfillment, ensuring timely deliveries to customers.
  2. Parcel and Package Sorting: Logistics companies and postal services use sortation systems to categorize and route parcels to their final destinations.
  3. Retail Distribution: Retailers optimize their distribution centers with sortation automation to streamline the movement of products from receiving to shipping.
  4. Apparel and Fashion: The fashion industry benefits from sortation automation by efficiently processing and sorting clothing, footwear, and accessories for retail distribution.
  5. Food and Beverage: Sortation solutions aid in the quick and accurate sorting of perishable and non-perishable goods within the food and beverage sector.

Challenges and Considerations:


While sortation automation offers numerous benefits, businesses must address certain challenges:

  1. Integration Complexity: Integrating sortation systems with existing warehouse management and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems can be complex and require skilled IT professionals.
  2. Initial Investment: Implementing sortation automation may require a significant upfront investment in technology and infrastructure.
  3. Maintenance and Support: Regular maintenance and support are essential to ensure that sortation systems operate efficiently and reliably.
  4. Employee Training: Employees may require training and support to adapt to new automated processes and systems.

Conclusion: A New Era of Warehouse Efficiency

Automated sortation solutions have ushered in a new era of warehouse efficiency, enabling businesses to meet customer demands with speed and accuracy. By selecting the right type of sortation automation for their specific needs, companies can streamline their operations