IntelliPack: The Solution to New Jersey’s Packaging Challenges

In today’s fast-paced e-commerce environment, fulfillment companies face a significant challenge: shipping too much “air“. This inefficiency arises when carton boxes used for shipping orders are not filled to their optimal capacity, leading to wasted space, excess packaging materials, and higher shipping costs. This issue has recently gained legislative attention, as evidenced by New Jersey’s new bill aimed at reducing packing waste by limiting the size of shipping boxes. IntelliPack, our innovative packing and shipping optimization technology, offers a comprehensive solution to this problem, providing numerous benefits in the process.

The Legislative Landscape and the Industry Challenge

The state of New Jersey has a history of mandating packaging changes. A New Jersey law signed in 2022 took effect this year banning polystyrene packing peanuts and requiring various levels of recycled content in different packaging materials. A recent report by has announced that the New Jersey Senate has passed a bill (S226) that prohibits large online and major retailers from shipping products in boxes that exceed two times the volume of the product being shipped. This legislation is part of a broader effort to reduce packaging waste and its environmental impact by the Environment New Jersey (see The bill’s passage highlights a common issue in the logistics industry: inefficient packaging that leads to wasted materials and increased shipping costs.

How IntelliPack Solves These Challenges

Our IntelliPack packing and shipping optimization system is designed to address these issues head-on, providing a robust solution for modern fulfillment operations. Here’s how:

AI-Powered Cartonization: IntelliPack uses advanced AI algorithms to calculate the best carton box size for each order. By selecting the optimal box size, IntelliPack ensures that space is utilized efficiently, reducing the amount of “air” shipped. This not only minimizes the use of excess corrugate and dunnage but also cuts down on shipping costs.

Reduced Carbon Footprint: By optimizing box sizes, IntelliPack significantly reduces the environmental impact of shipping. Smaller, more efficiently packed boxes mean fewer trucks on the road, less fuel consumption, and a lower overall carbon footprint. This aligns with the legislative goals of reducing packaging waste and promotes sustainable business practices.

Improved Operational Efficiency: IntelliPack integrates seamlessly with your existing order management system, optimizing the entire packing process. This ensures that every order is packed quickly and efficiently, saving valuable time and resources, and improving the picker work experience. The light-directed picking of the right box further streamlines the process, enhancing productivity and reducing errors.

Enhanced Picker Experience: With IntelliPack, companies can save on multiple fronts—time, corrugate, dunnage, and shipping costs. The AI-powered system minimizes the need for extra filler material, reduces the volume of packaging used, and ensures that each package is as compact and lightweight as possible. This translates to significant savings in shipping costs, as you ship less “air” and more product.

IntelliPack Packing and Shipping Optimization Technology

The Bottom Line

IntelliPack is more than just a packing and shipping solution; it’s a comprehensive approach to modernizing and optimizing your fulfillment operations. By leveraging AI technology, IntelliPack not only complies with new legislative requirements but also drives significant cost savings and sustainability improvements.

For companies looking to stay ahead of industry trends and regulatory changes, IntelliPack is the answer. Interested in learning more about how IntelliPack can transform your operations? Reach out to us today to schedule a meeting with one of our experts. Or better yet, visit us on July 18th in our showroom in Carlstadt, NJ, for our ABCO Automation Innovation 2024 Trade Show, where you can see live demos of IntelliPack and our entire range of cutting-edge picking technologies. Free registration for the show HERE.

FastFetch Batch Picking Carts: The Solution to Dropped Wi-Fi Signals

FastFetch Batch Picking Carts: The Solution to Dropped Wi-Fi Signals

In the bustling environment of a warehouse, every second counts. Efficiency and productivity are paramount, and any disruption can lead to significant financial losses. A recent article by MMH referring to a study by StayLinked, titled ‘Dropped Sessions – The Hidden Productivity Killer,’ has highlighted a critical issue affecting many warehouses: dropped Wi-Fi sessions. According to the study, over 30% of workers experience a dropped session at least once per hour, costing an average of $29.23 per worker, per day in lost productivity. For a warehouse with 50 workers, this equates to over $400,000 annually.

In large picking operations, companies often deploy extensive equipment to boost Wi-Fi signals to pickers. These signal enhancers incur significant upfront costs and continuous ongoing expenses, as they require power and regular maintenance. Despite these efforts, signal loss remains a frequent problem. When Wi-Fi signals drop, RF equipment typically enters a state of “clocking” (the old spinning hourglass or circle for loading nowadays). This disruption forces users to log back in, causing significant downtime. The cumulative effect of these interruptions can be quite substantial, leading to lost productivity and increased operational costs. As highlighted in the StayLinked study, resolving these connectivity issues requires both direct costs and creates indirect impacts on workflow efficiency.

But, there is a solution! ABCO Systems’ patented FastFetch Batch Picking Carts have a game-changing feature: independence from constant Wi-Fi access. Unlike traditional RF equipment that requires a continuous Wi-Fi signal, our Batch Picking Carts are designed to download the batches of orders to a tablet attached on the cart. This innovation ensures that picking operations can continue seamlessly, even in areas with weak or no Wi-Fi signal.

How Our Batch Picking Carts Work

When workers begin their picking tasks, the Batch Picking Carts download all necessary data locally to the tablet attached to the cart. Instead of relying on Wi-Fi to direct picking operations, our technology utilizes infrared communication to interact with the light modules that guide the picking process. This approach virtually eliminates the problem of low Wi-Fi connectivity altogether. Even if the Wi-Fi signal drops, the cart can continue to operate without interruption because all the required data is stored locally. Once the cart is back within a Wi-Fi zone, it automatically uploads the completed tasks, ensuring that all data is synchronized with the Warehouse Management System (WMS). This process eliminates the frustrating and costly downtime associated with lost Wi-Fi signals.

The Benefits of Wi-Fi Independent Picking

Continuous Productivity: By removing the dependency on a constant Wi-Fi signal, our Batch Picking Carts prevent the delays caused by dropped sessions. Workers can keep picking without interruptions, maintaining high levels of productivity throughout their shifts.

Cost Savings: As highlighted in the StayLinked study, dropped sessions can cost warehouses thousands of dollars each year. Our solution minimizes these losses by ensuring that work can continue uninterrupted, regardless of Wi-Fi connectivity.

Enhanced Efficiency: Without the need to reconnect or re-login after a dropped session, workers save valuable time. This streamlined process not only boosts efficiency but also reduces the frustration and stress associated with connectivity issues.

Improved Picking Experience: The use of infrared communication and local data storage vastly improves the picking experience for workers. They no longer have to log in countless times or move around to catch a better signal, leading to higher worker happiness and satisfaction. This smoother workflow contributes to a more pleasant and productive working environment.

A Real-World Solution to a Common Problem

The StayLinked study underscores the widespread nature of dropped sessions and their impact on warehouse operations. In most warehouses, dropped sessions are considered an unavoidable part of the job. However, with our Batch Picking Carts, this no longer has to be the case. Our technology offers a practical solution to a pervasive problem, allowing warehouses to operate more smoothly and efficiently. To learn more about our Batch Picking Carts and how they can enhance your warehouse operations, watch the short video explainer featuring our CEO. See for yourself how this innovative solution can revolutionize your picking processes and significantly improve your bottom line.


Read the full StayLinked study HERE.

At ABCO Systems, we are committed to providing cutting-edge solutions that address real-world challenges in the logistics and supply chain industry. Our Batch Picking Carts are just one example of how we are driving innovation to help our customers achieve greater efficiency and profitability.

If you’re interested in learning more about our Batch Picking Cart solution and how it can benefit your warehouse operations, we invite you to schedule a meeting with an ABCO expert. Please reach out to us by filling your information in our CONTACT FORM and an ABCO representative will get in touch with you shortly to discuss your needs and arrange a live demo. Don’t let dropped Wi-Fi signals hinder your productivity—discover the difference our Batch Picking Carts can make today.

ABCO Systems Announces Strategic Partnership with URBX to Revolutionize Warehouse Automation

ABCO Systems Announces Strategic Partnership with URBX to Revolutionize Warehouse Automation

ABCO Systems is thrilled to announce a groundbreaking strategic partnership with URBX, a pioneering robotic startup renowned for its innovative order fulfillment solutions. This collaboration is poised to bring transformative efficiency and accuracy enhancements to our customers, marking a new era in warehouse automation.

URBX Robotic Fulfillment System

URBX has rapidly emerged as a game-changer in the industry with their cutting-edge fulfillment system, which features a double deep storage configuration and an ultra-efficient conveyor system. Their innovative approach maximizes space utilization while streamlining the picking of totes or containers, resulting in unprecedented levels of efficiency and accuracy.

By joining forces, ABCO Systems and URBX will combine their expertise to create a powerful synergy that will drive growth and success for both organizations. ABCO’s deep knowledge and experience in warehouse automation, coupled with URBX’s high-density and high-speed robotic Goods-To-Person System, will enable us to deliver state-of-the-art solutions that turn supply chains into competitive advantages for brands and retailers.

“Our partnership with URBX is a great milestone for both companies,” said Seth Weisberg, CEO at ABCO Systems. “Together, we will be delivering cutting-edge technology to today’s material handling automation, bringing innovative solutions that will elevate our offerings and deliver greater value to our customers’ operations.”

URBX Robot

“This collaboration not only strengthens our capabilities but also aligns with our mission to continually push the boundaries of what is possible in warehouse automation. We are excited about the possibilities this partnership holds and look forward to sharing more updates on how we will elevate our service offerings through this strategic collaboration.”

Stay tuned for more news on how ABCO Systems and URBX will transform your warehousing operations and drive your business toward unparalleled efficiency and success.

About URBX:
URBX is an innovative robotic startup that provides high-density and high-speed robotic order fulfillment solutions. Their advanced systems are engineered to maximize space utilization and streamline the picking process, delivering exceptional efficiency and accuracy to warehouse operations.

Learn more about URBX on:

Importance of Preventative Maintenance in Material Handling

Importance of Preventative Maintenance in Material Handling

In the fast-paced world of material handling and logistics, where efficiency and reliability are paramount, the importance of preventative maintenance is often overlooked, but it cannot be overstated. Regular maintenance and servicing play a crucial role in prolonging the lifespan of automation equipment, ensuring optimal performance, and safeguarding against costly breakdowns and downtime. At ABCO Systems, we understand the critical role that preventative maintenance plays in the success of our clients’ operations. That’s why we’re committed to providing comprehensive maintenance and servicing programs that go above and beyond to meet the unique needs of each business we serve.

Conveyor Maintenance

Why Preventative Maintenance Matters

Preventative maintenance is not just about fixing problems when they arise; it’s about taking proactive steps to prevent issues from occurring in the first place. By conducting regular inspections, lubrication, and adjustments, our maintenance technicians can identify potential issues early on and address them before they escalate into costly repairs or downtime. This proactive approach not only extends the lifespan of automation equipment but also improves its overall reliability and efficiency.

Key Benefits of Preventative Maintenance

ABCO Systems offers comprehensive preventative maintenance plans designed to keep our clients’ operations running seamlessly. Our semestral maintenance checkup encompasses thorough inspections, cleaning, lubrication of moving parts, electrical and controls checkups, and emergency stops verification. This proactive approach allows us to identify potential issues early on and address them in advance, mitigating the risk of costly breakdowns and disruptions.

Warehouse Automation Maintenance
Conveyor Maintenance
Controls Check-Up

One of the key benefits of preventative maintenance is its ability to maximize equipment reliability. By regularly servicing and inspecting material handling equipment, businesses can identify worn components or potential failures before they escalate into major problems. This not only minimizes the likelihood of unexpected downtime but also enhances operational efficiency by ensuring that equipment is functioning at optimal levels.

Moreover, preventative maintenance can significantly reduce long-term operating costs. By addressing minor issues early on, businesses can avoid expensive repairs or replacements down the line. Additionally, our maintenance agreement offers discounts on original parts and replacement work expenses, providing further cost savings to our clients.

Another critical aspect of preventative maintenance is its role in ensuring workplace safety. Faulty or poorly maintained equipment can pose serious risks to employees and compromise the overall safety of the facility. By conducting regular inspections and maintenance checks, businesses can identify and rectify safety hazards, creating a secure working environment for their staff.

Furthermore, our spare parts inventory management service ensures prompt response to any emergency part replacement needs. By maintaining a well-stocked inventory of critical components, we can minimize downtime and swiftly address any unforeseen maintenance requirements, keeping our clients’ operations running smoothly around the clock.

In conclusion, preventative maintenance is a cornerstone of efficient and reliable material handling operations. By proactively addressing maintenance needs, businesses can minimize downtime, optimize equipment performance, reduce operating costs, and enhance workplace safety. At ABCO Systems, we are committed to helping our clients maximize the value of their material handling investments through our comprehensive maintenance services. Contact us today to learn more about how preventative maintenance can benefit your organization.

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: How Entry-Level Warehouse Automation can Help Your Business Thrive

Navigating Economic Uncertainty: How Entry-Level Warehouse Automation can Help Your Business Thrive

In today’s fast-paced economic landscape, businesses face unprecedented challenges, particularly during periods of uncertainty. The ripple effects of economic downturns can be felt across industries, presenting obstacles such as shrinking budgets, fluctuating demand, and heightened competition. In times like these, the ability to adapt and innovate becomes paramount for survival and success. At ABCO Systems, we understand the unique challenges that businesses encounter during economic uncertainty, and we’re here to help you not only navigate these challenges but thrive in the face of adversity.

The Impact of Economic Uncertainty

Economic downturns can trigger a domino effect of challenges for businesses. Tightening budgets often lead to cost-cutting measures, which can impact various aspects of operations, including staffing, procurement, and infrastructure investments. Moreover, fluctuating consumer demand and market volatility can disrupt supply chains and inventory management, posing additional hurdles for businesses to overcome.

ABCO Systems: Your Partner in Thriving Amid Uncertainty

In times of economic uncertainty, optimizing operational efficiency and reducing costs are imperative for businesses looking to maintain their competitive edge. This is where ABCO Systems steps in as your trusted partner, offering a comprehensive suite of services and solutions designed to help you not only weather the storm but emerge stronger on the other side.

Entry-Level Automation Solutions: A Path to Efficiency and Cost Savings

One of the most effective strategies for businesses looking to optimize operations and reduce costs is through automation. While the upfront investment in automation may seem daunting, ABCO Systems offers entry-level automation solutions that provide a low-risk, high-reward approach to enhancing warehouse operations.

Our entry-level automation solutions are designed to be flexible, scalable, and cost-effective, allowing businesses to start small and gradually scale up according to their needs and budget constraints. These solutions offer a quick return on investment (ROI) by streamlining processes, reducing labor costs, and improving overall efficiency.

Examples of Entry-Level Warehouse Automation

Pick-to-Light Systems: Our award-winning Pick-to-light systems are widely accepted as a means of improving the speed and accuracy of order fulfillment by minimizing picking errors and reducing search time. This simple and very effective technology uses light indicators to guide warehouse operators to the exact location of items to be picked and can be further enhanced with voice guidance and barcode scanning. The systems also make use of the latest advancements in AI to integrate order batching and picking route optimization to reduce walking distances and further speed up order fulfillment.

Unit Handler AGVs

Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs): AGVs are the latest and most modern type of entry level warehouse automation. These highly adaptable, driverless vehicles navigate warehouse floors with precision, executing tasks with efficiency and reliability. AGVs serve as the silent workforce behind the scenes, seamlessly transporting goods throughout the facility without the need for human intervention. By automating the movement of materials, AGVs not only minimize the reliance on manual labor but also optimize operational workflows, increasing throughput and productivity. Their ability to navigate safely and efficiently through dynamic warehouse environments enhances overall safety standards, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. With AGVs, businesses can unlock a new level of efficiency and agility in their warehouse operations, paving the way for improved performance and competitiveness in today’s fast-paced market landscape.

AI-Powered Shipping Optimization Solutions: Our AI-powered shipping optimization solutions revolutionize the way businesses handle order fulfillment and shipping logistics. By leveraging advanced artificial intelligence algorithms, these systems analyze historical data to identify the assortment of cartons needed for operations and compute the optimal carton size for packing each order. This not only reduces shipping costs by selecting the container that best fits each order but also significantly decreases the carbon footprint associated with shipping operations. With the ability to optimize packing efficiency and minimize wasted space, these solutions offer businesses a sustainable and cost-effective approach to shipping and inventory management.

The Benefits of Entry-Level Automation

Cost Savings: By reducing labor costs and optimizing processes, entry-level automation solutions help businesses achieve significant cost savings over time.

Improved Efficiency: Automation streamlines operations, reduces errors, and enhances throughput, resulting in improved overall efficiency.

Scalability: Our flexible automation solutions allow businesses to start small and scale up as needed, ensuring that investments align with growth objectives.

Competitive Advantage: By embracing automation, businesses can differentiate themselves in the market, offering faster turnaround times, higher accuracy, and superior customer service.

Conclusion: Embrace Innovation, Thrive Amid Uncertainty

In times of economic uncertainty, the key to success lies in embracing innovation and adapting to change. ABCO Systems’ entry-level automation solutions offer businesses a pathway to efficiency, cost savings, and competitiveness. By investing in automation, businesses can future-proof their operations, optimize resources, and position themselves for long-term success. Let ABCO Systems be your partner in navigating economic uncertainty and thriving in the face of adversity.

Contact us today to learn more about our entry-level automation solutions and how they can help your business thrive in any economic climate. Together, let’s turn challenges into opportunities and build a brighter future for your business.