4 Easy Ways to Automate

4 Easy Ways to Automate

As we enter December, you may be thinking about automation, but is it too late to implement automation in time for the upcoming Holiday Season? We all want to be able to meet and exceed the needs of our customers as well as make the best use of our labor force but think that implementing automation at this stage would be way too difficult and costly.  Think again.

ABCO Systems offers you an early holiday gift with our new white paper on 4 Easy Ways to Automate.  Click the box below to download and learn how you can easily implement an automation solution now that is scalable for future growth.

Labor Scarcity and Automation

Labor Scarcity and Automation

To most people, the idea of automated labor seems like something out of the realm of sci-fi. With visions of Rosie the Robot dancing in our heads, it’s hard to believe we’re living in the future that so long seemed restricted to the realm of fiction.

And yet, these days, automated labor has become more common, and more practical, than ever before—and nowhere is this truer than within the distribution and fulfillment industries.
Automation investment can make sure that your distribution center is prepared for the challenges of operating at peak profitability in the current market landscape.

As employers face issues of employee unreliability, high turnover, and increasing labor shortages through the distribution space, automation is more than just a future fantasy. It’s quickly becoming vital to commercial success in the here and now.

A closer look at labor scarcity

According to a recent report published by The Washington Post, over 43 million Americans quit their jobs over the course of 2021. Commonly called the “great resignation,” this wave of employee departures shows no sign of slowing. In fact, some employers report that resignation is currently at an all-time high.

So what’s the future of the great resignation? Expert predictions vary, with some stating that the trend will continue into 2023 and beyond. Other experts predict that more Americans are getting back to work—but that the attitude towards labor and willingness to walk away from a job that no longer feels rewarding will likely stay the same.

As demand for online shopping surges and e-commerce sales continue to become a preferred retail method for Americans throughout the United States, employees face increased hours and higher stress levels as they try to keep up with the growing demand.

The result? An increasingly unstable labor market that shows no signs of self-correcting, leaving employers facing higher costs and worse results. In fact, according to one study, as many as 73% of warehouse operators struggled to find adequate labor.

We need to face the facts: what was once a trend is quickly becoming a labor market norm, one that disproportionately impacts operators of distribution centers, warehouses, and other third-party logistics professionals, where staffing shortages are worsened by increasingly high turnover rates.

Automation: the wave of the future
Automation may once have seemed like a sci-fi solution to the sector’s labor woes, but these technologies have increasingly become a critical aspect of the manufacturing and logistics world’s real-world operations.
In fact, a study published in the Harvard Business Review indicated that within the next four years, the global warehouse automation market can be expected to double in value, with supply chain leaders describing warehouse automation as, …” One of their top three priorities for digital investment.”
Workers cited by the study also expressed optimism, with many sharing their excitement for the potential of automation technologies to improve safety, increase speed and efficiency, and allow them to produce higher-quality work.
The advantages of automating processes that were once performed by human labor is clear to employers who have struggled to maintain adequate staffing within their warehouses. Automation cuts down on your need to hire, making it easier to increase order accuracy, and productivity, and focus on reducing workplace injury for warehouse employees.
Not only does automation reduce the need for labor, but it also makes work less demanding, reducing the turnover rate and leading to lower stress levels and a more positive work environment that encourages employees to stick around.
These days, there are many forms of warehouse automation in common use. Companies use warehouse management systems to automate manual processes, inventory control, and data capture, supporting data analysis. Using this software in conjunction with technology such as sensors and robotics helps minimize the need for human labor, increasing efficiency and reducing costs.
Making automation practical
It’s no secret that warehouses and the fulfillment industry as a whole continue to be major drivers of change within the American economy. Around 1.5 million American workers are employed in the warehouse and storage sector, many of whom are ambivalent about the impact that the coming automation revolution may have on their careers.
However, when approached correctly, automation can actually be a critical asset in supporting the fulfillment sector for both workers and employers alike. The key to making automation an asset? Communication and training at every step of the way.
Automation can do a lot, but it still requires human intelligence and discernment to perform at its most effective level. Instead of framing automation as a threat to employees, employers should share the way that automation can make their lives better, and their jobs easier.
Done correctly, automation takes the pressure off, handling all the most dangerous, difficult, and repetitively dull tasks, leaving workers free to think more creatively and focus on building their skill sets on a higher operational level.
This need for training is apparent even to workers who are otherwise enthusiastic about the potential automation brings to their workspaces. As 35% of the warehouse workers interviewed in the Harvard study reported, workers fear that inadequate training resources will make it difficult for employees used to the old way of doing things to succeed in the new digitized, automated workspaces of the future.
“I think the more the warehouse is automated, the better we’ll all perform,” said one warehouse supervisor cited by the study. “Robots will greatly diminish our workloads, reduce risks, and increase productivity. But if we don’t know how to handle them, they’re hardly going to do any good.”
To assuage these fears, employers in the distribution and fulfillment space need to place a priority on training, communication, and open conversations with employees as they move forward into the coming automation revolution.
Emphasizing the potential career growth possibilities moving towards automation offers will allow workers to envision their longer term prospects working within the fulfillment sector, helping get them on board to perform the tasks necessary for accessing the full potential of automation technology.
As warehouse work continues to be a mainstay of the global economy, automation technologies can make a major positive impact. When human capital combines with the power of automation, anything is possible.

eCommerce Post Pandemic

eCommerce Post Pandemic

The COVID 19 pandemic has resulted in major changes in many aspects of our lives.  In addition to the health concerns of the pandemic, many brands have experienced the impact of COVID 19 on their brands, the industry, and eCommerce overall.

Since the onset of the pandemic, many physical stores have closed doors, as lockdowns kept many potential shoppers quarantined at home.  To obtain essential items, consumers turned to online shopping.  According to data from IBM’s U.S. Retail Index, the pandemic accelerated the pivot from physical stores to digital shopping by roughly five years.

Understanding emerging eCommerce trends has always been important to long-term business success online but has become much more prevalent in the wake of COVID’s unparalleled disruption of all things eCommerce.

Unfortunately, it appears as though COVID still isn’t behind us just yet. Though life may have begun to return to normal, the lasting effects of the pandemic have become the new normal. Looking back at how COVID affected businesses can help us better appreciate why it’s so important to pay attention to eCommerce trends. Should disruptions to everyday life return, this understanding can prepare us for a second round.

Back in 2019, we had no idea what the following year would bring us, but there were people in the eCommerce world who had considered the trends that might emerge. Let’s take a look back at what the state of eCommerce looked like before COVID hit.

Back in 2019, the Amazon Effect was as powerful as ever. Online retailers around the globe felt the pressure to keep pace with the many ways Amazon continued to grow its revenue. Amazon invested billions into offering 1-day shipping to its Prime members at no extra cost. This was after two-day shipping for Prime members helped it rule eCommerce since that offering was implemented back in 2005.

Amazon’s shipping times were already a massive competitive edge, so making them even faster was big news. Not surprisingly, two of Amazon’s biggest competitors, Target and Walmart, countered with similar one-day shipping plans soon after this news was announced.

In hindsight, these developments could not have come at a better time, as many of us would soon depend on these shipping plans once our usual in-person shopping was no longer possible.

Another trend that picked up steam in 2019 – and also just in time for impending lockdowns – was BOPIS (Buy online, pick up in-store). With BOPIS, customers can shop online, make their purchases online, and then go pick up those items without having to troll the aisles and wait in line to check out. The genius of BOPIS is that any local retailer can offer the service. All they need is a website and an in-store pickup extension to convert customers who want their products right away.

Many grocery stores took this a step further and offered curbside pickup, making it even easier for customers to buy from them. On the other hand, many digital brands realized the potential for having a brick-and-mortar presence as well, prior to the global pandemic. Many of these online companies tested the concept with popup shops, while others jumped right in with legitimate brick-and-mortar stores.

By the end of 2019, there were more than 1,700 stores owned by digital brands all over the country. But once again, this is the kind of business decision that no longer needs to be complicated or expensive.

The first step is to understand how eCommerce can increase efficiency and productivity in your business while also reducing costs.  ABCO Systems has years of expertise in the design and development of eCommerce solutions that can make your eCommerce goals to happen.  You know your product – we know distribution design. Let us help you bring your product to the eCommerce market.

ABCO & Fetch Robotics – Innovative Distribution Solutions

ABCO & Fetch Robotics – Innovative Distribution Solutions

ABCO Systems offers design engineering expertise to provide custom solutions for material handling and distribution system design for their customers. This requires a team of professionals who understand the intricacies of the modern-day distribution center, and the right strategic partners to meet and exceed the goals of our customers.

We are excited to highlight our partnership with Fetch Robotics, a pioneer of on-demand automation. Intelligent automation can be the workforce multiplier needed to accelerate throughput and productivity. Automation reduces congestion in aisles, limiting interactions between workers and potentially hazardous heavy loads and equipment, enhancing safety as well as performance and productivity.

Being able to incorporate Fetch Robotics into our design engineering allows us to provide both innovation and resilience to personalize each design to the unique needs of the customer.
To learn more about ABCO Systems Solutions with Fetch Robotics, contact us at 201-429-0580 or at [email protected]. We look forward to providing you with your custom design solution with a unique blend of efficiency and resilience.

ABCO Systems – Solutions engineered for today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities.

ABCO Partnership with Western Pacific Storage Solutions

ABCO Partnership with Western Pacific Storage Solutions

ABCO Systems prides itself on delivering custom solutions to our customers.  As a result, an integral part of our solutions relies upon having the right partners who align with our high standards in supplying the right products for each design solution.

One of our long-standing partners is Western Pacific Storage Solutions (WPSS).  WPSS brings over 30 years of Systems experience and evolution of their product offering focused on solutions and customer satisfaction.  WPSS provides an optimized flow of products and services across all value streams in addition to Lean manufacturing that offers innovative, cost-effective products, strengthening the customer-supplier connection. Incorporating WPSS products into our design brings reliability and extreme value to our customers.

Our turnkey approach is a perfect match for WPSS systems whose highly skilled design engineers maximize and combine their talent with the ABCO Systems team to develop the ultimate solution specific and customized to fit the unique needs of the customer.

To learn more about ABCO Systems and Western Pacific Storage Solutions contact us at 201-429-0580 or [email protected]. We look forward to helping you increase efficiency and productivity with the material handling solutions that work the best for you.